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Thursday, January 10, 2013


(Everson Ndlovu and Dan Hargrove) 

The Musho! Festival takes place in Durban at the Catalina Theatre from January 16 to 20. 

Allegations will be performed on January 19 at 18h00. It is produced by Almasi Collaborative Arts (Zimbabwe) with tour support from Pro Helvetia, the Swiss Arts Council, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The play is written by Mandisi Gobodi, directed by Patience Tawengwa and performed by Dan Hargrove and Everson Ndlovu. 

What does ‘national healing’ really mean to a white farmer and a black rural dweller? Is it possible to just let sleeping dogs lie? Allegations examines Zimbabwe’s brutal past and present, and is a true story of hope, fear and frustration in the country today. Sold out at Edinburgh Festival – don’t miss it! (Drama; 16+; ages 60 minutes)  

The Musho Festival runs from January 16 to 20 at the Catalina Theatre on Wilson's Wharf in Durban. For more details visit or email For bookings, show times and details contact Catalina Theatre on 031 305 6889 or visit 

Tickets for all shows R50 (R30 PANSA paid-members as well as OAPS, students and children under 12). Special all-day ticket on Saturday / Sunday - R100 per day. Twist / Fringe tickets - pay-what-you can. Children’s show R50 (R30 for children)  

See the artSMart Events List for dates and times.