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Thursday, January 24, 2013


(Work by Karen Strachen)

The KZNSA is a not-for-profit, member-based, public benefit organisation. Every year, members of the KZNSA submit art works in keeping with a particular theme. The theme for 2013 is Urbanity.

“Urbanity has a historic and a contemporary meaning,” says the KZNSA’s representative. “We typically choose a theme that has a ‘layering’ of meanings, thus to encourage a broad interpretation of the theme. To become ‘urbane’ is to suggest the ‘cultured’ or ‘refined’. Urbanity also refers to cities and urban areas. Hence, historically, the meaning would suggest that civilisation as a kind of ‘elegance’ suggested a movement from the ‘rural’ to the ‘civilised’ or ‘city’. An idea worth challenging.”

Typically the Gallery presents over 300 artworks reflecting a broad range of mediums and disciples. The sheer abundance of creativity and the extraordinary diversity of interpretations of the theme together with generous prize money in five categories attract considerable attention and excitement within the visual arts community.

The prizes are in memory of Joan Emmanuel, a long-standing member of the KZNSA and passionate supporter of the visual arts.

Further information from Emmeline Young at the KZNSA on 031 277 1705 or email: