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Tuesday, February 26, 2013


(Joanna Frankel)

At the KZN Philharmonic’s Valentine’s Day concert Joanna Frankel was introduced to the audience as the new Concert Master.

Hailing from Philadelphia in the United States, Frankel has played before many and diverse audiences. She is a top prize-winner in many young artists’ competitions and, as a soloist, she has performed across the US and Europe at such important venues as Carnegie Hall, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Rachmaninoff Hall, Glazunov Hall, Suk Hall, Rudolfinum, Slovak Philharmonic Hall, Vanemuise Hall, and The Sibelius Academy’s Chamber Music Hall, and has appeared with many other orchestras.

Announcing her appointment, Bongani Tembe, Artistic Director and Chief Executive of the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra, said: “I believe that Joanna Frankel will prove to be a significant asset to the KZN Philharmonic. We are proud to have secured a violinist of her high calibre as our new Concert Master. Joanna who was trained at the Juilliard School, my alma mater, is a serious musician endowed with a good technique. Her approach to musical phrasing and articulation is fantastic.”

Bongani Tembe also took the opportunity to thank Hristo Kardjiev, the outgoing Concert Master of the orchestra, by saying: “Hristo has dedicated a good measure of his life to the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra as our Concert Master for the past 22 years - for this we are most grateful. I am delighted that our relationship with him will continue into his retirement so that we will still benefit from his experience and beautiful tone.”

For more information on the KZN Philharmonic click on the advert at the top of this page or visit