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Friday, February 8, 2013


Flatfoot Dance Company supports One Billion Rising: A Worldwide Uprising Against Sexual Violence.

Valentine’s Day this year is set to take on a distinctly revolutionary flavour worldwide, as communities around the globe rise up in protest against sexual violence.

Conceptualised by V-Day, a global activist movement to end violence against women and girls, One Billion Rising is a day of action against sexual violence, scheduled to take place worldwide on February 14. Women and men opposed to sexual violence will participate in a variety of ‘risings’ across the globe on Valentine’s Day – whether as marches, flash-mobs, dances, demonstrations, and walk-outs – demanding an end to sexual violence.

Join Flatfoot Dance Company in a dance “global strike” on February 14 and be part of One Billion RISING … at Umlazi M-Section Hall from 15h30 to 17h00.