(Shannon Hope. Pic by Rogan Ward)
critically-acclaimed pianist and vocal artist Shannon Hope returns to her
favourite Durban theatre space, Seabrooke’s Theatre at DHS, on Valentine’s
weekend (February 15), offering some poignant (and a little tongue-in-cheek)
insight into life, love and everything in between.
With a
reputation as one of the hardest-touring self-managed solo artists on the
national circuit, her intriguingly powerful heart songs have made their way
across the country countless times over the past few years of touring, and to
rave reviews, and in February she delivers her vocal epic to hometown audiences
once again before setting off on yet another national tour.
performance will take place at Seabrooke’s Theatre at DHS, 255 St. Thomas Road,
Musgrave, on February 15 at 20h00 (doors open from 19h30). Tickets R60 booked
through Colin on 082 894 7541. More information and live performance videos can
be found on shannonhope.co.za