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Sunday, March 24, 2013


(Moira Macdonald)

Sad news comes from the North Coast Art Group of the death of Moira Macdonald who passed away in Umhlanga Hospital on March 10 after a period of ill-health.

The following tribute comes from NCAG artist, Maureen de Moor:

“We remember Moira as a wonderful Watercolour Artist, who dedicated her life to this medium and was always so highly thought of as her work was of a high standard. Moira taught for many years, and she was also a keen Ceramic artist, and produced many a fine piece.

She was a staunch member of the North Coast Art Group for many many years, she was a solid member, producing works on silk, and watercolour paper. She was always keen to experiment and often her works were recognized during our annual MOAG Exhibition, and she sold some of her works on Exhibitions over the years. Moira was a quiet and gentle person, always showing a positive attitude and a keen companionship of others within the group. She was married to John, a very happy marriage and they both worked closely over their lifetime together and shared much joy.”

Emma Robb, another NCAG artist, pays her tribute: “Moira was a very creative person and was always involved in many facets of the arts. Besides her beautiful pottery creations, Silk screening of textiles and Pastel work she could turn her hand to anything as she even made all John’s shirts! She loved painting in Watercolours, and always won an NCAG award or two for her quality art. During her 25 odd years of valued NCAG membership she served as Treasurer for many years. We will miss her smiling face and will never forget her valued input and advice which she freely gave everyone. Moira is a great loss as a friend and colleague. “

More information on the North Coast Art Group from Rowena Wilkinson on email: