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Monday, April 1, 2013


One hour weekday news broadcast to air.

SABC3's new viewing takes effect from April 1, most noticeably with an hour-long in-depth news broadcast which will air in the new time-slot of 18h30 to 19h30 on weekdays.

In other major changes; prime time weekday viewing is now scheduled thematically by day, which see's the daily 20h00 programmes moving to 20h30 amongst other shows, perennial favourite Top Billing moves from Tuesdays at 20h00 to Thursdays at 20h30.

In the most significant change, SABC3 will now have a TV news bulletin lasting 60 minutes and will be the first English news bulletin of the evening covering national and global news in-depth while also including some regional news. There will be more extensive interviews, longer live crossings and more comprehensive sport, business and weather bulletins including user generated content.

Commenting on the new schedule, acting General Manager at SABC3 Lefa Afrika said: “We believe the new schedule will better service our audiences’ needs by simplifying and focusing programming, and at the same create opportunities for new content which we will be introducing during the year. We are delighted that our news slot will be an hour-long and believe that this will become the news bulletin of choice among South African audiences.”

The new Monday to Friday viewing schedule is: 17h30 Days of Our Lives; 18h30 News; 19h30 Isidingo; 20:00 Sitcom slot - My Family, 30 Rock, Safe As Houses, Rules of Engagement

Mondays to Thursdays at 20h30: Major drama, entertainment and reality shows like Survivor/Amazing Race, High Rollers (new), Top Billing. From 21h30 to 22h30: weekday international dramas including show like Human Target 2, The Client List, Torchwood, Supernatural, The Mentalist 2, The Cleaner and Law & Order.