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Saturday, April 27, 2013


The Witness Hilton Arts Festival invites visual artists to submit proposals to exhibit this year.

The Witness Hilton Arts Festival, KZN’s foremost annual arts and theatre festival, scheduled to take place from September 12 to 15 this year, is inviting visual artists to apply to participate. The visual arts component of the festival is an integral part of the programming mix, with hundreds of KZN, national and international visual artists exhibiting at the festival.

“The festival organisers greatly value the participation of all artists, old and new. We are delighted to be able to supply a platform for local and visiting talented artists and we are constantly looking at ways to add interest and diversity to what has become a major aspect of this event,” says Festival Director, Sue Clarence.

“Owing to the ever-growing number of applicants vs the amount of appropriate indoor space available, it is necessary for there to be a selection process. Emphasis will be placed on variety and improved quality,” says Clarence.

The festival is inviting interested artists to apply. Artists should e-mail: and include a short (one sentence) description of their art form; approximate measurements / range of measurements, of their art work; a website address, if possible and one or two photos, as attachments.

Closing date is May 16 at 16h00.

Those artists, old and new, who have already contacted the Hilton College Theatre/Festival office, office, expressing an interest in this year’s festival, do not need to re-submit details. Applicants will be notified whether or not they have been successful, by no later than May 20 2013, and will receive details regarding allocated space, costs, set-up times and arrangements, and indemnity. Artists sharing a room will be put in touch with each other to discuss strategy.