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Thursday, May 2, 2013


Now with a new venue safely in hand, the popular Live Poets Society (LiPS) has been revived and will once again offer lovers of poetry a monthly forum for discussion and presentation.

Thanks to the efforts of Dr Deena Padayachee, Karen Bradtke of the Collective and artSPACE has offered LiPS a free space to chill out and wind down with many of Durban’s top poets and some very cool poetry.

“In this life we are fortunate to be surrounded by sentient beings of the calibre of people who will walk the extra mile for a course they consider worthy and are prepared to sacrifice their time and efforts for,” says convenor Danny Naicker in thanks to those who have engaged their energies to keeping LiPS going.

The new venue is The Collective which, appropriately, is in the same building that houses Ike’s Book Store. Those attending are asked to bring along snacks and make the occasion a bring-and-share affair. The Collective has a bar with wine and other beverages available.

The re-Launch of LiPS will take place at 17h30 for 18h00 on May 8 at the COLLECTIVE, 48b Florida Road in Greyville Durban (entrance in 4th Avenue). Admission is free.

More information from Danny Naicker, Convener Live Poets Society (LiPS), on 083 282 0865 or e-Mail: