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Friday, June 7, 2013


Baroque 2000's next performance is on Sunday (June 9) at the Church of the Monastery, Mariannhill.

New repertoire not previously played by the ensemble features the Czech composer Jan Dismas Zelenka's Sonata for two oboes, bassoon and continuo, and pieces by Muffat (his Armonica Tributo) and Fux (the Sonata K354) Also on the programme are Les Fontaines de Versailles by Jean Michel de Lalande and Francois Couperin's La Sultane

The performance on Sunday (June 9) at the Church of the Monastery, Mariannhill takes place at 15h00. Tickets R90 at the door and there is ample parking. Enquiries to Michel: 082 303 5241 or email: