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Thursday, June 20, 2013


This year the local UKZN Pietermaritzburg’s Drama and Performance Studies entry for the National Arts Student Festival is One Lonely Light, a piece devised by their students, under the direction of Sasha Roopen. It tells a mythical story written in the stars. It will have one performance before leaving for the festival.

The piece uses the visual techniques of shadow movement and physical theatre to create on stage an engaging and dynamic form of storytelling. The protagonist’s journey of self-discovery is presented in bursts of creativity, colour and light. One Lonely Light reflects on the wonders of light, the emptiness we feel when it is taken away and allows the audience to contemplate the significance of light in their own journeys.

One Lonely Light has one performance in the Hexagon Studio Theatre on the Pietermaritzburg UKZN campus on June 26 at 18h00. Tickets R25 at the door.