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Friday, July 5, 2013


The Market Theatre Laboratory, in partnership with Think Theatre will host a short “Self Start” course to help artists build careers and arts-based businesses. Facilitated by four leading arts professionals from Canada and the USA, the course has travelled from Glasgow to Hong Kong, and will finally be coming to Johannesburg from August 9 to18 this year.

Applications are now open for both professional and emerging artists and administrators who would like to develop an entrepreneurial edge by participating in these intensive workshops. The prestigious team of facilitators include Professor Liz Bradley (Chair of Drama at Tisch School of the Arts, NYU) and Anne Mundell (Associate Professor of Scenic Design at Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Drama.)

Professor Liz Bradley summarises the course content: “As an artist of this time, you will be challenged to create a context in which your work can be experienced. Understanding and mastering the attributes and skills necessary for effective entrepreneurship in the arts will help you build your career, and create opportunities for your artistic practice to flourish. This workshop is designed to equip you with the basics of the entrepreneurial process, make you aware of a wide range of practical resources and enhance your creative problem solving skills.“

This programme outlines a “step by step” framework through which to make artistic creation a reality. Practical exercises include articulating a mission, the options for different producing models, choosing collaborators, developing a strategic plan, basic fund raising, marketing and advice on managing the financial and legal aspects essential for start-up enterprises.

Upon completing the session, emerging artists will have awareness of the personal and practical issues of entrepreneurship in an arts-related venture. He/she should be able to grasp the planning process required in launching a venture, company start-up and/or production process. The programme design includes informal lectures, written practical exercises, class discussions, team projects and a capstone presentation. Self-employed artists need skill sets that enable them to recognize opportunities, act on them decisively and be able to actualize an arts venture with competence and confidence.

Interested parties must be available for full-day workshops at the Market Lab in Gauteng from August 9 to 18, 2013, and should contact Clara at the Market Laboratory at to receive further information as well as an application form.

Applications close on July 19, 2013.