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Sunday, August 25, 2013


The KZNSA Gallery invites artists and crafters to submit products for their annual BUZZART.

It’s that time of the year when we start reminding all our suppliers about the annual BUZZART Exhibition which will take place from mid-November to mid January, says Gloria Hoff, KZNSA Shop Manager. “This is our major fund-raising Exhibition and we call on you (artists and crafters) to start preparing. We are looking for quality craft and products that are original and unusual, saleable and stylish, quirky and contemporary.

“All you need to do is drop off your goods and we take care of the rest. We are responsible for the setting up and for sales, from which we take a 40% commission. For those who are new to BUZZART, or are producing something different to your usual products, the KZNSA request that you pop into the shop at any time for me to evaluate them for suitability for BUZZART.”

Those interested should contact Gloria Hoff (see below) and she will put you down as a “potential” supplier, and keep you updated with further details nearer the time. The shop is always on the lookout for new suppliers so if you know of anyone making items that may be of interest to the shop – please send their details and she will happily contact them.

“For the first time this year the shop plans to introduce a “Vintage/Retro Section". A glance at any overseas magazine will reveal how the sense of nostalgia and a fresh take on the past has become fashionable worldwide, both in clothing and in decor,” adds Hoff. “Vintage clothes, crockery, jewellery and all sorts of bric a brac from decades past will make up this part of BUZZART. So raid your cupboards (or your granny's) and haul out all those items that you no longer need that may be suitable and give them a new lease on life!”

Contact Gloria Hoff, KZNSA Shop Manager on 031 277 1700.