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Thursday, August 8, 2013


(Appearing in ”Her Cradle” are Natacha Steynberg as Nature, Brandon Bosch as Tiger, Nompilo Jili as Rhino, Andile Nene as Bird with Tshepang Koloko as Man silhouetted)

The final in the series of Postgrad directors’ works for 2013 takes to the boards this month as the Hexagon Theatre at University of KZN in Pietermaritzburg showcases the works of Jon Branch and Jessica Killerby.

Rich, Coming From You!: Take a man addicted to weed, a woman who hates everything and a lesbian with a conscience, toss them together and throw a botched bank robbery into the mix, and what do you get? This is a comedy written and directed by Jon Branch. Together with his cast of senior students, they have made a piece of theatre drawing from many different theatrical styles, all coming together to ensure an audience reaction ranging from laughter to frustration, and to constantly keep them guessing – whose fault was it?

Her Cradle is a theatre piece inspired by performance art where visual art plays an important part in the creation of the piece. Her Cradle has been created and directed by Jessica Killerby, who is hoping to capture the hearts of the audience through a unique way of narration, using visual performance such as shadow dance, shadow puppetry, employing various elements of music and physical action. The piece is inspired by global warming and environmental issues facing the world today. Her Cradle uses the personification of Nature, allowing Mother Nature to tell her story in the hope of a better future. The age-old conflict of Mankind versus Nature is brought to life in a highly theatrical and dynamically visual show.

The Postgrad Season 4 Double Bill of Rich, Coming From You! and Her Cradle run at the Hexagon Studio Theatre, UKZN in Pietermaritzburg on August 15 and 16 at 18h00. (Each show will also have a lunch hour performance at 12h30 - Rich, Coming From You! on Thursday and Her Cradle on Friday. Tickets R30 (R15 for the lunch hour) at the door only. Enquiries on email to: