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Sunday, August 25, 2013


 Running at the KZNSA Gallery is SpeakART Against Human Trafficking. This is the second campaign of the local non-profit organisation, everyONEcounts, to raise awareness and funding through art in support of the local organizations on the frontline of the international fight against human trafficking.

Their launch campaign in 2010, saw everyONEcounts successfully raise almost R300,000 through the sale of art, to support the plight of abandoned babies.

The current campaign, SpeakART against Human Trafficking, features a collection of original works, which have been donated by both well-known and amateur artists, from South Africa and around the world, including the UK, USA, Australia and Europe.

Speak 'Art' Against Human Trafficking runs at KZNSA Arts Café until August 31. All funds raised through the sale of the artworks will be donated to two local beneficiaries: Open Door Crisis Care Centre and Red Light.

everyONEcounts is both a registered NPO (Non-profit Organisation) and PBO (Public Benefits Organisation). For more information visit