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Tuesday, September 24, 2013


(The PPC Grahamstown Field Band competes for the first time this year)

The Field Band National Championships takes place on September 28, 2013. The annual competition will be held at the Wanderers Stadium in Johannesburg and will see nine field bands from across the country vying for top honours in the premier division. Furthermore, four bands will compete in the first division – for field bands that have been in existence for less than five years.

artSMart Editor, Caroline Smart, is one of the judges – a position she has held almost since the inception of the championships.

“This is a fantastic event and well worth attending,” Smart says. “Each year, the bands impress with the improved quality of their music and the innovation of their colour guard presentation and costumes. Unfortunately, I don’t always get to see the full spectacle as my focus is on the marimbas and steel drums which places me on the field so I can get close to the instruments to hear them. Once again, I expect to be impressed by the discipline and commitment of those taking part.”

Bringing an exuberant 21st-century approach to the South African tradition of brass bands, the Field Band Foundation uses music and dance to help young people in disadvantaged areas to improve their lives and boost their self-esteem.

This non-profit initiative has won numerous awards since it was established in 1997, and today benefits around 5,000 young people from all corners of South Africa. The national championships on September 28 will see around 1,700 of these young instrumentalists and dancers gathering in a vibrant celebration of sound, movement, colour and personal empowerment.

The 2013 Field Band Championships will be held at Wanderers Stadium in Corlett Drive, Illovo, Johannesburg on September 28 between 09h00 and 13h00. Entrance is free and families, schools and communities are encouraged to come along and show their support for their local field bands. RSVP to

Details, @fieldband_sa (Twitter) and /FBF.SA (Facebook)