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Saturday, October 26, 2013


(A murmuring stream is portrayed in Vivaldi’s work)

Vivaldi's brilliant Four Seasons will be presented by Baroque 2000 on October 27: The venue , as always, is the Church of the Monastery Mariannhill, and the soloist Joanna Frankel.

Ms Frankel, who has appeared as soloist with many American and European orchestras, has been concertmaster of the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra since February this year. A top prize-winner in several young artist competitions, she has also given recitals in many countries.

This is a chance to hear a distinguished soloist in Vivaldi's great work, one of the earliest and most influential examples of programme music, portraying amongst other things spring's birdsong, a summer storm, the shivers of people in winter snow, a murmuring stream, and even a barking dog.

The concert takes place at 11h00** on October 27. Tickets R90 at the door include soft drink and cake at the end of the concert to celebrate the ensemble's 15th anniversary. There is ample safe and free parking.  Enquiries to Michel on 082 303 5241 or email:

(NB: Please note change from the normal concert time)