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Wednesday, October 16, 2013


(Young dancers from Umlazi. Pic by Val Adamson)

Apart from a huge portfolio of professional dance theatre work, Flatfoot Dance Company’s commitment to growing dance in KwaZulu-Natal sees the company offering dance development projects and youth dance development programmes to over 800 youngsters each year.

Dance Some More 2013 is the culmination concert of the past year’s dance training and development, and thanks to the support of the Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre, an opportunity for the company’s young dancers to perform in a professional theatre situation. Flatfoot will showcase dancers from their Umlazi, Newlands East, Waterloo, Kenneth Gardens, Cleremont and KwaMashu based programmes and a special performance from their mixed ability/integrated dance programme run in collaboration with the Open Air School in Durban. Choreography will be by the six resident Flatfoot dancers, Jabu Siphika, Julia Wilson, Thobile Maphanga, Sifiso Khumalo, Sifiso Majola and Tshediso Kabulu.

The afternoon’s dance showcase will also include two very special works. The first is by the ADD Flatfoot programme. Over 2013, the ADD programme (Advanced Dance Development) has selected 15 of the older youth working within Flatfoot’s township programmes and given them additional intensive dance training such that Flatfoot is readying them for careers as professional dancers. They will perform Revealing Me choreographed by Jabu Siphika.

Secondly, Flatfoot Training Company will perform Lliane Loots’s Sweet Bach Suite. This dance work is a communal celebration of not only J S  Bach’s beautiful cello suites but has been choreographed to challenge these young adult emerging dancers and allow them the opportunity to rise up to the stamina and technical training needed to sustain a full-length dance theatre work.

Dance Some More 2013 offers an afternoon that truly celebrates Durban’s up and coming talent and one that truly honours the transformative power of dance! The performance will take place on October 26 at 14h00 at the Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre. Tickets R20 at the door.

Over 2013, Flatfoot’s work has been supported by funding from ncp alcohols, SIBAYA and SeaFrog Communications.