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Tuesday, October 8, 2013


(Fiona Tozer, the curator and coordinator of the festival)

NewMusicSA which supports the creation of New Music by South African composers of all stylistic and cultural backgrounds, will hold its annual New Music Indaba at the UKZN Howard College campus from October 10 to 13. The event will contemplate the theme, Riot of Spring, in recognition of the 100th anniversary of Stravinsky’s iconic Rite of Spring.

The aims of the festival are to showcase South African composers and performers, encourage young performers through the institution of a cadet programme, and provide opportunities for developing composers to receive instruction and feedback on their work through master classes with leading South African composers. The festival will be curated and coordinated by Fiona Tozer.

This year the focus is on showcasing some of South Africa's many talented composers and performers. The festival’s educational function extends to developing both young composers and performers. For young performers, a cadet scheme is to be instituted within the ensemble. For developing young composers, interactive composition workshops will be held.

Workshop participants will be invited to compose short pieces based on this theme to be discussed by the new ensemble in two interactive workshops. Additional workshops offered will include composition workshops by Clare Loveday and members of the “Insurrections” project, Jürgen Bräuninger, Sazi Dlamini and Brydon Bolton. There will also be individual instrument workshops by members of the ensemble, and a workshop on composing with Sibelius software co-ordinated by Dr Chris Cockburn of the University of KwaZulu-Natal's music faculty. Registration for workshops is free.

The opening concert will be a piano duet of Stravinsky's Rite of Spring performed by Jill Richards and Michael Watt. Other concerts will include the première performance of the South African New Music Ensemble, a second concert by sub-groups from the ensemble, and performances by DuoFourIVTwo, Into, and the KZN Youth Choir.

The NewMusicSA Annual General Meeting will be held during the festival, and all members are encouraged to attend. NewMusicSA members will be given free entrance to the Friday and Saturday concerts, so now is a good time to make sure your membership is up to date.

For more information, contact 072 822 7988, email: or visit

The New Music Indaba is supported by NAC (the National Arts Council), SAMRO, the University of KZN; Business and Arts SA and the KZN Performing Arts Trust. Thanks are given for their gracious assistance and support – without whom this event would not be possible.

(See further stories for other concerts)