The first and only Adult Colouring Book in
the world. (Review by Marianne Meijer)
The publication of the very first
colouring-in book for adults, was launched earlier this week.
This is the first and only Adult Colouring
Book in the world. Durban has set the bar high. Others are bound to follow. A
most original and creative idea.
The drawings are done by Andrew Verster and
the book was designed and edited by another Durban artist/writer Rick Andrew,
the title is Colour Me In in a
limited edition, numbered and signed.
This is a colouring-in book with a
difference. It has been made primarily for adults, never before or seldom
catered for in the world of colouring-in books, though children are certainly
not excluded from adding colour to the drawings. The images are an eclectic mix
of everything from monsters to maidens, the famous and the unknown, people,
places and things. They have one thing in common – they are black line drawings
that cry out to be filled with colour.
According to Rick Andrew the drawings on
each page are shapes, forms and faces culled from Verster’s inexhaustible
There are some words about colour to
accompany each drawing, but rather to keep an open mind to all kinds of
possibilities as you add colour to the drawings.
“This is a great idea which in all
probability will be followed by a much bigger edition. So buy yourself a box of
quality pencil crayons and, remember, it is not necessary to colour-in every
square inch of white paper. Enjoy!,” says Rick Andrew, who did a great job
editing this lovely adult colouring-book.
Me In is available at Artisan Gallery at R250. Artisan
Contemporary Gallery is situated at 344
Florida Road. More information on 031 312 4364 or 083
301 5747, email: or visit - Marianne Meijer