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Thursday, February 13, 2014


(Tom Dennen)

Busy Durban production company, Polart, presents their second drama of the year: Beggar, which comes to the Catalina Theatre in Wilsons Wharf at the end of the month.

Beggar is a one-man drama supported by the movie of the same name from which the lead actor emerges live to tell you his story. Featuring Tom Dennen, it is a contemporary parable of empathy and compassion.

“We look at people all the time, but do we see them? We hear people all the time, but are we listening to them? asks Polart’s Pranesh Maharaj.”The production reminds us to take the time to engage with those around us; to listen to their stories and not project our own stereotypes and prejudices so easily onto those whom we meet.

“A foreign man with a different language is not mad; he is just not understood,” adds Maharaj. “Yet our daily lives and the status we strive for deny us the time to listen and see those that need us. Beggar is a work of acute perception and dramatic vigour. It will pose an interesting challenge to any audience, especially in its execution and style.”

Tom Dennen plays the hapless man who has lost love among all his worldly possessions. He has a chance meeting with two students who have their own personal challenges to deal with. The students are relaxed in their naïve and contrived world, only to slowly discover that there is more to the beggar than meets the eye: a tale of twists and turns and unanswered questions.

“We are reminded that a group of people are not to be blamed for the actions of a few. We are also reminded that the legacy of our country’s complex past impacts on us all: the struggle was, and still is, everybody’s,” says Polart’s Vivian Moodley.

“Tom Dennen handles this character with much control as it is a terrifying contemplation to lose control over one’s consciousness,” says Moodley. “Tom is able to bring this to the attention of the audience in a delicate yet engaging way, so that you are able to leave the theatre with a developed consciousness and heightened senses. Much of this is achieved in the first of technical experiments in cross mediums.”

Beggar runs at Catalina Theatre, Wilson’s Wharf from February 26 to March 2 at 19h00. Tickets R100 booked at Computicket.