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Saturday, May 24, 2014


Today is artSMart’s 15th birthday!

On April 24, 1999, Caroline Smart somewhat nervously entered the world of the internet to launch an arts website dedicated to KZN. The title is styled artSMart, using her name as the base and putting “art” either side of SM.

It is now the largest multi-cultural arts website/blog in the province and, apart from its immediate use to promote events, it is regularly used for research purposes.

As of 11h30 this morning (May 24, 2014), the all time history of page views number 722,090!

Music remains the top category, followed by Drama and Visual Arts.

“When I created artSMart, I had no idea it would grow to this level. Without the support of our loyal advertisers, I wouldn’t be able to keep going. I also thank all my reviewers, supporters and readers. Constantly fighting deadlines, I often bemoan that I’ve created a “monster”. But what a delicious monster!”