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Monday, May 12, 2014


Tribute to mothers made for a joyful family party. (Review by Keith Millar)

The KZN Philharmonic Mother’s Day Concert at the Kingsmead Cricket Stadium on Sunday was a joyful family party enjoyed by young and old alike.

On a balmy afternoon the majority of the boisterous audience chose to picnic on the grass, up close and personal with the orchestra. Relaxing in their deck chairs and on picnic blankets in the sun, they celebrated the special day listening to a wonderful selection of light music.

The marvelous KZN Philharmonic, under the baton of their accomplished resident conductor Lykele Temmingh, showed its versatility as it supported a diverse line-up of some of South Africa’s leading vocal artists.

First on the programme was popular Durban singer Natalie Rungan who sang Whitney Houston’s One Moment In Time and I Dreamed a Dream from Les Misérables. Later in the afternoon, she got the orchestra and the audience swinging with a few jazz standards – and boy, can that orchestra swing!

Following Rungan was the CCF Tenors. Three young men with big voices who treated the audience to tenor favourites such as La Donna Mobile and Funiculi Funicula.

Next was one of the highlights of the afternoon. The unique Toya Delazy with her special brand Jazz/Pop/hip-hop music. She had the audience on their feet and dancing with her hit songs Pump It Up and Love Is In the Air. It is the first time I have heard a 70-piece classical orchestra play hip hop.

The second half of the programme featured Charismatic R&B and Gospel star Loyiso Bala and the ex-Idol finalist and SAMA award winning Melanie Lowe. Both soon had everyone dancing and singing along. Lowe’s interaction with the little ones during Oh So Quiet was a special moment. She had them whispering Shhh Shhh! one moment and dancing like mad things the next.

Those who have a taste for slightly more sedate music were not forgotten with the orchestra playing a few light orchestral pieces such as the Overture from West Side Story and a section of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake.

The concert ended on a high note with all the artists joining together to sing Somewhere Out There and then the iconic Heal The World.

With this enjoyable and entertaining concert the KZN Philharmonic created a very special occasion for everyone present to recognise, and spoil, the most important people in our society. Mothers! – Keith Millar