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Wednesday, June 4, 2014


The Performing Arts Network of South Africa – KwaZulu-Natal - invites all members and other interested parties working in the performing arts in any way to its Annual General Meeting on June 17.

PANSA is a national network of individuals, NGOs, service providers and mainstream institutions that are engaged in the practice or support of the performing arts in all forms (dance, music, theatre, opera, musical theatre). In order for the performing arts industry to grow, all the forces working towards this growth should be in alignment.

As an industry voice, PANSA believes that, through positive advocacy and proactive networking, it can achieve this vision of a supportive, inclusive, united performing arts industry which is actively engaged in celebrating the industry's achievements and strengthens through a growing audience.

The AGM is a chance for members to reflect on the year gone by and how PANSA has served its members. Narrative and Financial Reports will be tabled at the meeting. Elections will be held for members of the new PANSA KZN committee for the upcoming year. 

The AGM will take place on June 17 at Catalina Theatre, Wilson’s Wharf, from 17h30 to 19h30. For more information contact PANSA-KZN Regional Coordinator Nelisa Mzimela on 078 609 5201 or 074 729 1445 or email

NB: While all PANSA members can vote, only paid-up members may stand for election. Anyone interested in serving on the committee, should contact the Regional Coordinator for more information.