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Monday, June 23, 2014


(Bryan Hiles in a scene from “Jakob”. Courtesy of Going Places)

Jakob is a modern day fable, a story of light and darkness, love, hate and redemption adapted from the short story written by Michael Broderick.

Featuring lighting by Broderick and starring Bryan Hiles as the lead and multiple characters, the audience follows the tale of a young boy who is ‘different’ and so is rejected and shunned by everyone except his patient, special adoptive parents.

With plenty of visual surprises, Jakob offers a journey with Jakob who is so hurt that he shuns daylight and people, only to discover that light is indeed Love… and that Love is triumphant! This is a beautifully sensitive piece of theatre which shows that 'different' can be unique and special!

artSMart described this production when it first appeared at the National Arts Festival in 2008 as “ … a delightful hour’s entertainment of a fresh and innovative nature. It’s a skilfully constructed piece on a clever set with a clear storyline, much humour, a good element of emotion and some wonderful gizmos to produce magical lighting effects. See

Jakob is suitable for children from the ages of 9 up and runs at Seabrooke’s Theatre (Durban High School) until June 29 with performances Wednesday to Saturday at 19h30 and Sunday at 18h00. Tickets R100 booked through Ailsa of GoingPlacesSA on 083 250 2690 or email:

Schools and charities can contact Stacey on 083 778 6090 to book shows at a greatly reduced rate.