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Tuesday, June 17, 2014


(“Tree of Life” by Chandra Naidu)

Sacred Circles by Chandra Naidu is running at artSPACE durban.

Speaking about her work, Naidu says: “The Source of all life is an Infinite Source that has the capacity to nurture and support the tiniest plankton and the giant oak tree,”. “My exhibition of (un-Photo-shopped ) photographs serves to remind us that our lives, indeed our very existence, is inextricably bound to the Natural world and benefits us mentally, physical and spiritually.

“This “Meditative Series” offers the viewer an opportunity to reconnect with that Sacred thread that binds all life.
“Circles”….endless…no beginning…no end….constant motion.
They hold the mystery of life which is captured in the images of recognizable data and ethereal translucence.

“The “Vessels” are the Creator’s vessels in which the magical essence of life is brewed with generous dollops of ephemeral light and shadow and colour. My images are intended to resonate with the viewer’s “intuitive” self rather than the “logical” self.”

Sacred Circles runs until June 21 at 14h00. artSPACE durban is situated at 3 Millar Road (off Umgeni Road) close to the Waste Centre. More information on 031 312 0793 or visit or