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Saturday, October 11, 2014


The African Music and Dance department at the University of KwaZulu-Natal is to present a free lunch-hour concert by two ensemble groups under the theme Re Sa Tswela Pele Ka Setso (“We Are Still Continuing With Culture”), each presenting original works created and choreographed during this semester's work as part of the module.

The first year Ensemble 1B is led by Thabile Buthelezi who is currently doing her Honours in Applied Ethnomusicology. She promises to keep the audience captivated with her choreographic skills and also keep them enlightened throughout the performance.

The second and third year Ensemble is led by Lebogang Sejamaholo who is a part-time staff at the University (School of Arts/Music) and uses his cultural background and knowledge in his choreographic style as he is highlighting the significant role of "staying true to your roots".

The programme promises an impressive showcase featuring a range of dances, music and dramatic representation.

The concert will take place on October 13 from 12h15 to 13h05 in Howard College Theatre, UKZN. Admission is free.