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Monday, November 10, 2014


Deadline: December 5, 2014

The National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF) is calling on the next quarterly submissions of applications for funding in the areas of training, marketing and distribution support, script development and production financing.

Deadline date for applications is December 5, 2014. The Foundation will inform applicants of the outcome of the applications in March, 2015.

All applicants are advised to study carefully the criteria and submission requirements in all areas for which funding is being sought. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Applications received after the deadline will only be considered for the following quarterly meeting of council.

The following categories will be considered for production and development funding:
Short films
Television concepts

The following categories will be considered for training applications:
International Bursaries
Trevor Jones Scholarship
Training Provider funding

The following Marketing and Distribution categories will be applicable for applications:
Marketing and Distribution, which entails funding for print and advertising for independent DVD distribution.
Film Festival, which provides financial support to individuals or organisations to host local film festivals which create a unique offering for the industry.

All applications must be hand-delivered or posted to the NFVF at 87 Central Street, Houghton, Johannesburg, 2198. No e-mail submissions will be accepted.

To download the applications forms, go to

To view the funding criteria for all the categories, go

Contact the following people for queries regarding individual subjects:
Development and production email Neiloe Whitehead on or Lesiba Maile on
Training or bursaries, email Pretty Mthiyane on
Marketing and distribution email Lerato Mokopanele on

The National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF) is governed by the National Film and Video Foundation Act 73 of 1997 as amended by Cultural Laws Amendment Act 36 of 2001. For more information on the foundation, visit