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Saturday, November 15, 2014


(Vanessa Lomas)

The Imbizo Gallery in Ballito is hosting an exhibition by Vanessa Lomas titled On the Wild Side.

Lomas has been keen on art from an early age. “I am predominately a wildlife and scenic artist,” she explains. “I love to venture out to game reserves and the mountains, travelling along the back roads, as opposed to the highways. There is always so much more to see and I find myself making stops along the way to sketch a scene and to take in the beauty of the surrounds.

“I am fortunate to live close to the Kruger National Park and make frequent trips to observe and be inspired,” she adds. “I have enjoyed local and international support and I am blessed to have a husband, who is a photographer, to market my art.”

On the Wild Side runs until December 6. The Imbizo Art Gallery is situated at Shop 7a at the Ballito Lifestyle Centre, next to Beira Alta. More information on 032 946 1937 or visit