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Tuesday, December 9, 2014


(The uShaka Santa Mascot with Lyle Buxton, Shemual Mahabeer, Lisa Bobbert, Peter Court and Gambit the Dolphin)

Festive season extravaganza back and grander than ever. (Review by Keith Millar)

uShaka Marine World’s fabulous festive season extravaganza, Dolphins by Starlight, is back and is grander than ever.

Featuring some of Durban’s leading musical and theatre talent along with uShaka’s magnificent team of performing dolphins, it is fantastic family festive entertainment which offers something for everyone.

The unquestionable stars of this show are uShaka’s glorious dolphins. These beautiful animals did not fail to impress with their effortless power as they performed their tricks with grace and dignity. The four queens of the pool, Afrika, Tombi, Khanya and Zulu, along with showmen Kelpie, Jula, Khwezi, and Ingelosi were all given the opportunity to strut their stuff to the roars of approval from the full house audience.

However, as far as the dolphins were concerned, the best was kept to the last. A regal performance by the incomparable Gambit. At 41 years of age and weighing in at 490 kg, he is thought to be the biggest bottlenose dolphin in captivity in the world. He is the father of seven of the nine dolphins born at uShaka and is the grandfather of one. This remarkable animal has been performing since 1976. He has a wonderful stately and gracious presence in the pool.

It is said that performers should avoid sharing the stage with children and animals as they will inevitably come off second-best. However, the human performers who took part in Dolphins by Starlight certainly held their own in a production of elegance and sophistication.

The music performed was taken from the bestselling Christmas albums of international stars Michael Bublé, Mary J Blige and Kenny G.

Singing the BublĂ© hits was accomplished Durban singer Lyle Buxton. He was all charm and class with songs such as Its Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas and All I want for Christmas Is You. Londiwe Dhlomo was superb with Mary J Blige’s version of The Little Drummer Boy while her duets with Buxton, accompanied by the brilliant Sebastian Goldswain on acoustic guitar, were memorable.

Ex Durbanite Andrew Young reminded us of just how good he is on the saxophone while playing Kenny G’s Christmas hits such as Winter Wonderland and Let It Snow.

The performers were backed by the KZN Youth Choir and a first-rate 12 piece orchestra led by Shemual Mahabeer. The choir also sang a few songs of their own – the most notable being an adaptation of Handel’s Messiah.

The comedy segments in the show were provided by the classy Lisa Bobbert and Peter Court. They got up to all sort of hilarious antics as a strange pair visiting from the North Pole. They showed their versatility by singing a few songs as well.

Add to this mix, an appearance by the uShaka Ocean Warrior mascots, the arrival of Father Christmas and snow falling from the roof of the grandstand and you will understand that it was a jam-packed, fast-moving and entertaining programme.

Congratulations as well to the events company Black Coffee for the outstanding quality of the sound mix and for their excellent lighting which created a wonderful Christmas atmosphere.

Dolphins by Starlight was produced and directed by Wayne R Scott and Charon Williams-Ross.

The next performances of Dolphins by Starlight will take place from December 12 to 14 at 19h00. Tickets R150 (R120 children from 3 to 12) booked through Computicket or the uShaka ticket office on 031 328 8000. – Keith Millar