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Saturday, January 17, 2015


(Bev at her grandson Jordan's 6th birthday party- taken in September 2014))

Keith Millar, former head of Radio Broadcasting Facilities (RBF) at SABC Durban, pays tribute to his late friend and colleague, Bev Pule:

English Radio programming originating from Durban enjoyed something of a golden age during the 1970’s, 80’s and 90’s. Highly talented and accomplished broadcasters such as Humphrey Gilbert, Don Ridgway, Steven Barden, Monica Fairall, Roy Holtshausen, Midge Dogherty, Michael Toms, David Lloyd and Desmond Wingham produced a plethora of programmes of an international standard.

It goes without saying that in order for these for these artistic talents to blossom and to create their broadcasting magic they needed a strong and supportive “backroom” crew to support them. Central to this support was our dear friend Bev Pule.

Bev was an administrator of considerable skill. She was the quintessential professional in all her responsibilities and she supported her team to the hilt.

Naturally maternalistic, Bev was a mother hen to all her colleagues. She was also a highly intelligent lady who served as a sounding board to the many creative minds around her.

On the death of Auntie Midge Dogherty, Bev took over her Wishing Well programme, which was renamed Bev’s Birthday Book. As a Technical Producer, working with Bev was always good fun. She was good natured, unassuming and very professional.

We have lost many of our broadcasting friends over the past while and it is now time for Bev Pule to join them at the big radio station in the sky.

We will miss this caring, friendly and knowledgeable soul who dedicated so much of her life to radio broadcasting in our country. – Keith Millar