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Sunday, February 15, 2015


Application Deadline: February 28, 2015

The Documentary Filmmakers' Association in partnership with the Canadian Film Center (CFC) Media Lab, the National Film and Video Foundation, and the Durban FilmMart will host one-and-a-half day workshops on the powerful Business Model Canvas Tool for South African filmmakers.

The workshops will take place from July 17 to 24 during the 2015 Durban FilmMart.

Filmmakers will learn how to apply the Business Model Canvas Tool to each individual project. They will be able to identify the different elements, connect them, and learn how to integrate them to enhance their work and the final product they deliver. The organisers are looking for a total of 30 filmmakers with projects in development or production to attend the Business Model Canvas workshops.

Eligibility criteria for filmmakers - a South African citizen or have refugee status in South Africa.

Content producers should have produced at least one film (doc, short, fiction) as either the producer, director, or writer. Applications must be able to cover their costs to attend the workshops at the Durban FilmMart.

Submission Requirements:

Describe a current or proposed project for which you are currently trying to work out the business model. (500 words)
Briefly describe your business approach for your proposed project: resources, customers, distribution channels and potential revenue. (500 words)
Provide your filmography, headshot and contact details.

NB! In the event of more than one member of an organisation applying, only one member per organisation will be considered.

Those wishing to participate in the Business Model Canvas Workshops, need to complete the online application form:

Deadline for application is February 28, 2015.