(BunnyKats, Leprechaun and Irish rag doll
Bridie Beag relax with miniature classics on the BooK Bench as part of the
Parks4Read activation. Photo Sanabelle Ebrahim)
Book & Design
Fair Durban, the first event of its kind for Durban, will take place from September
6 to 13.
The project will
KwaMuhle Museum The Playhouse Return
Parade: KwaMuhle Museum Yellow Container Viewing Platform overlooking new
Durban Central City Library Return. Those attending are encouraged to dress up
as a favourite fairytale, comic book or superhero character or author
-Guinness Book of
Records “Biggest Book Tower”' proposed for the site of the Yellow Container
Viewing Platform - children's and young adults' books
-Three-day Literary
Futures & Design Conference
-Novel Expo/Fair
-Book stalls at
KwaMuhle Museum
Book & Design
Fair Durban coincides with Heritage Month; National Book Week; World Forestry
Congress and the 150th Anniversary of Adams Books
The project is proposed
by the Green Heart City Movement, PO Box 10372, Marine Parade 4056; Durban. For
more information contact Mikhail Peppas or Sanabelle Ebrahim at sankofabookfair@gmail.com or visit www.sankofabookfair.tumblr.com