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Thursday, April 2, 2015


Two new exhibitions are on display in Pietermaritzburg’s Tatham Art Gallery until June 2015. These are The art of Democracy – Twenty Years of Collecting (marked with orange labels throughout the gallery) and Generous Friends: FOTAG Acquisitions.

Stephan Welz from Strauss Art will be at the Tatham Art Gallery on April 8 from 09h30 to 15h00 for a Valuations Day. R20 per item valued with a maximum of three items for a 15 minute slot. Bookings essential with Reena Bhoodram on 033 392 2823 or email:

The Tatham Art Gallery is situated in Pietermaritzburg in Chief Albert Luthuli (Commercial) Road. Opposite the City Hall. More information on 033 392 2801 or visit