(Anthony Stonier &
Darren King)
On October 27, the performance of The Art of Being Ugly, starring Anthony Stonier and Darren King at
the DHS Seabrooke’s Theatre will be dedicated to Wayne Scott who has been a
long-time friend and supporter of the cast.
Scott has been in the entertainment industry for many years
and is also the entertainment & events manager at uShaka Marine World. He has
been suffering with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) since 2010 and funds raised
will enable him to obtain medication for treatment prior to the planned
bone-marrow stem cell transplant.
Directed by Peter Court, The
Art of Being Ugly reflects on the fact that most actors spend their careers
playing a variety of roles from Shakespeare and Ibsen to fools and fops. Stonier
and King have spent a large part of their working lives being “Ugly”.
Collectively they have over 30 years’ experience playing a
variety of Uglies from Snow White’s evil nemesis to Jack’s hapless mother. But
no show epitomises the Ugly like Cinderella.
Meet Lou and Lav as they prepare for yet another performance
of Cinderella (their 364th). Join
these two in their dressing room as they joke, tease and cajole each other into
one more performance.
Watch two consummate performers transform from luckless
actors to wretched stepsisters. Join in the back stage banter and in-house
jokes as they take audiences on a hilarious roller-coaster ride from a late
arrival backstage at the theatre to their first entrance on stage.
From blank canvas to full Ugly, all will be revealed in this
60 minute chaotic romp.
The Art of Being Ugly
runs until November 1 at the DHS Seabrooke’s Theatre with performances at 19h30
nightly except Sunday when there is a matinee at 14h00. Tickets R100 booked
through Ailsa on 083 250 2690 during office hours.