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Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Spot Light Productions is putting on a big show in October 2016 at Westville Civic Centre!

Auditions will be held on June 26 at 14h00 at Westville Civic Centre (Menston Road, Westville).

The organisation is looking for actors, singers, dancers, acrobats, jugglers, illusionists, magicians, contortionists, etc. – anything on offer with a difference …

Those auditioning need to prepare something no longer than two or three minutes, and need to bring backing track or music.

If you are singing, prepare a song, backing track on CD, USB no singing with orginals tracks or auditionees can sing acapella. Dancers, actors and jugglers need to prepare a piece that showcases their talents.

For more information contact Sharon on 082 997 0709 or email:

NB: While Spot Light Productions is a professional company, amateur performers are taken on for their big show productions to give them their first stepping stone. Should the show make a profit, the organisation does give the cast a percentage to cover their costs.