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Monday, October 10, 2016


The St Anne’s 2016 Matric Drama Showcase will take place on October 13.

This performance is a celebration of the St Anne’s College Matric Drama girls of 2016 and what they have achieved on stage over the past five years. They have led the major school production in Curl Up and Dye, and Love, Crime and Johannesburg, as well as in Interhouse Theatre and Funk performances.

“In class, we have been privileged to watch them grow as they have grappled with the different theatre philosophies of Epic Theatre, Realism and Postmodernism, to name but a few,” explains Theatre Director, Lynn Chemaly. “We have witnessed moving scenes and monologues of characters in psychological pain and we have rolled on the floor laughing as they have reworked fairy tales into contemporary and postmodern styles. We are extremely proud of what the girls have achieved this year in their IEB Final Matric Practical Examination. The examiner was very complimentary of their performance and we know that they will achieve excellent results at the end of the year.”

The Matric Drama Showcase is a selection of their best practical work in an hour-long programme which guarantees to delight and entertain.

It will take place on October 13 at 16h00 in The Theatre-St Anne’s College in Hilton. No charge, no booking required. All welcome. Tea will be served on The Theatre veranda from 15h30.

For more information contact Lynn Chemaly on 033-343 6100 or email