(“Desert Blooms” by
Frederika Stokhuyzen)
Artisan Gallery is exhibiting the work of Wessel Marais,
Marie Vermeulen Breedt and Frederika Stokhuyzen.
"This is not just sales talk, work by Wessel Marais,
Marie Vermeulen Breedt and Frederika Stokhuyzen really is of investment quality
and is currently on exhibition at Artisan Gallery until January 20. Do not let
this rare opportunity pass you by to acquire work by established South African
masters,” says an Artisan Gallery representative.
January 22 at 15h00 sees the opening of Artisan’s Annual
Sale, complete with ice cream, balloons and sparkling wine. All are welcome.
For more information contact Ingrid at 031 312 4364 or artisan.ingrid@gmail.com"