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Monday, August 21, 2017


(Petra Page)

Former marketing manager of NAPAC (now the Playhouse Company) passed away on August 13.

NAPAC colleague and friend Charles Grey, announced on Facebook: “It with a sad heart that I hereby announce that ex marketing manager of NAPAC, Petra Page has sadly passed away. This is such sad news - I worked with Petra Page at NAPAC for over 5 years and I served on her fundraising committee when she headed up the fundraising department at the Cancer Association. We really had some wonderful times working together. She was such a colourful character who taught me all I know about classic marketing and fundraising. My sincerest condolences to her family. Petra may you rest in peace.”

Her daughter Tarin Page Persson says: “I know many of mum’s friends abroad were not aware that she was ill, but Petra was diagnosed with cancer just over a year ago. Sadly mum passed away yesterday afternoon, just after 5pm in New Zealand. My husband Brett and I were with her.

“Mum has been very active, social and independent and maintained that right up until recent months. Just last week she moved into a care facility (Mercy Hospice in Auckland) where they made her very comfortable. She still had some very bright days where she was entertaining visiting friends and enjoying the company of her grand-daughters, almost right to the end.

Mum found it hard to share this news personally with many of you, especially those overseas. It is always emotional saying goodbye. But she wanted you all to know that she had been thinking of many of you, that you all added so much laughter, fun and great memories to her journey. For that, she was grateful. As am I”.