current longest scarf in the world – in India - measuring 14 km)
Carolyn Steyn, the founder and organiser of
the award-winning 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day project details her latest
2018 is going to be a GREYT year for us
all!!! May each one of you be richly blessed with abundant health and
On April 24, we will make history by
creating the "Largest Portrait Blanket in the World" depicting the
face of our beloved Nelson Mandela - and we have all put in the work for that!!
(Thank you all again for your magnificent work!!!)
As we all know, THIS is Madiba's 100th
year!!! What ELSE can we do to make this the most special year to remember our
world icon???!!!
We can go for yet another Guinness World
Record of course!!! We can go for the "Longest Scarf in the
How does that sound?????
We have the WOOL. We have the
For the past three years we have churned
out THOUSANDS of scarves for our #SSS (Secret Scarves Shhh...) initiative which
we do every July during Mandela Month.
India currently holds the record for the
Longest Scarf in the World. Why don't we in South Africa beat India in this
"WOOL CUP"???!!!!
(Let's also have a competition amongst our
different regions in South Africa to see who churns out the most scarves??
Ambassadors - what say you???)
We should make our deadline June 25th in
order to get all scarves to 67 Blankets Headquarters, so that we can begin the
task of sewing scarves together and labelling each scarf.
We should pin a date in the second week of
July - Mandela Month (as we usually do) and display our very long scarf in an
area such as Freedom Park, showing the entire world what our 67 Blankets family
is doing, stitch by stitch, to keep the legacy of our late great Tata Madiba
(and the ideals for which he stood) alive.
Once we have achieved our Guinness record
and done spectacular aerial photos of this display, we will ask Stuttaford Van
Lines to transport scarves back to the regions so that we can carry out our
Secret Scarves mission on the same day at the same time, all around our
beautiful country.
Every scarf will have our message of love
and warmth attached to it, as well as our trademark heart logo - and people
walking home from school and work will witness pockets of glorious colour and
warmth around lamp posts, railings and trees. And thousands of people who need
a little more colour and warmth will be able to just help themselves to our
labours of love.
The measurement for the Longest Scarf
currently stands at 14 km. I say - let's do 27 kilometres!!! (One kilometre for
every year that Madiba spent behind bars.)”
For more information visit https://67blankets.co.za/ or https://www.facebook.com/67blankets/