(Left: Gloria Bosman)
Impressive Tribute Concert, acknowledging the
contribution to South Africa of struggle icons Albertina Sisulu and Winnie
Mandela. (Review by Caroline Smart)

(Right: Khanyo Maphumulo. Pic by Val Adamson)
In a wide-ranging programme of moods, cultures and
styles, the audience was privileged to enjoy top class performances from a beautifully-attired
traditional dance company from the Eastern Cape to the impressive Playhouse
Chorale, a jazz band and the splendid KZN Philharmonic Orchestra.
Stars of the show were Khanyo Maphumulo and Gloria
Bosman whose powerhouse skills had the audience in raptures. There was great
hilarity and joyous response to much twerking from Maphumulo and one of her
back-up singers!
An interesting feature of the evening – which honoured
women and played to a mainly-female audience – was the number It’s Raining Men!
(Left: Lebo Mashile)
(Right: Gcina Mhlophe)
MC’s for the evening were acclaimed per-sonalities
Gcina Mhlophe and Lebo Mashile who guided the first section of the programme
with both charm and passion. The second part was given over to
Maphumulo and Bosman who gave full range to their vocal skills.
Visual images followed Albertina and Winnie’s lives,
featuring photographs, including those of their weddings to their husbands
Walter Sisulu and Nelson Mandela, who were instrumental in introducing them to
politics. Both husbands were imprisoned on Robben Island for decades during
which time the fearless and unstoppable women fought the struggle against
Excellent lighting added to the powerful presentation
and on-stage pyros provided an exhilarating finish. – Caroline Smart