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Wednesday, September 19, 2018


(Richard Haslop)

If you ever get a chance to see this talk of Richard Haslop’s, and re-acquaint yourself with some amazing music from a very important part of South Africa’s history, don’t miss it!  (Review by Barry Meehan)

Richard Haslop presented A Naartjie In My Sosatie – Shifty Records at the 2018 Hilton Arts Festival.

Fortunately for South Africa, we have citizens like Haslop, a brilliant stringed-instrument player and singer in his own right, and a passionate historian as far as South African music is concerned.

Haslop gave a wonderful talk at the Festival on the story of Shifty Records, a label that boasted a caravan as a recording studio! They certainly did their bit for South African music, recording a huge variety of artists across the spectrum, as demonstrated by Haslop in his entertaining and light-hearted talk, which was graphically illustrated by 18 tracks of recordings from the 80’s, mainly a decade of protest music.

Amongst the artists featured were Sankomota; The Kalahari Surfers; Happy Ships; Mzwakhe; Bernoldus Niemand; Jennifer Ferguson; Mr Mac and the Genuines; Andre Le Toit (later to become Koos Kombuis), and The Gereformeerde Blues Band (Johannes Kerkorrel).

Some of these names might not be familiar, but if you ever get a chance to see this talk of Richard Haslop’s, and re-acquaint yourself with some amazing music from a very important part of South Africa’s history, don’t miss it! – Barry Meehan