(Left: JJ
(Right: Vikash
Legendary comedians Vikash Mathura and JJ
Mathura are back for encore at the iZulu Theatre at Sibaya Casino this month.
Their show, In Therapy, proved to be
a big hit in August, prompting the entertainment stalwarts to bring it back.
Audiences will also get to watch as Uncle
Bala, Harry Mama, Dollia Mausie and Professor Pyarelal intrude on JJ`s personal
time to seek her counsel about things that can only be said `behind closed
Therapy runs at the Sibaya iZulu Theatre on October
13, 2019, at 14h00. Tickets R180, R200 and R230 from Computicket,
Shoprite/Checkers or the Sibaya Box Office.
For more information visit Facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/sibayacasino/ @sibayacasino