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Wednesday, September 30, 2020


(Evita Bezuidenhout. Pics by Hentie van der Merwe -

Evita Bezuidenhout (aka Pieter-Dirk Uys) celebrates her 85th birthday with a new look.

"Six months of lockdown meant I couldn’t get to the hairdresser for my weekly repairs,” she says. I was horrified at first to notice a silver lining to the dark brown. By Level 2, I had taken my scissors and snipped away gently into a practical style. Clicks then sent me a wonderful gift of shampoo. Now it's short, soft and manageable. How many women were in the same situation? No wonder the pandemic becomes a damn panic, forcing us to adapt and not dye!

"Turning 85 demands a new energy from me. Once the world squirms out of its straitjacket of isolation and fear, the so-called ‘new normal’ might be too much like the Depression of the 1930s which led to the rise of Fascism. The economic outlook is bleak. Political vision is lacking. A confused collective ANC leadership is unable to lead. The invisible Covid-19 virus has made the virus of corruption, empowerment and capture even more visible. Meanwhile, there is nothing we can do to change the reality of Covid-19. So stick to the rules of survival.

"Focus on your family, friends, neighbours and community. The many examples of good neighbourliness and support during the past six months have inspired me. President Ramaphosa has said members of the ANC known to be corrupt must leave their positions. It is time to find the honest comrades. Life will go on with or without Covid. Let us make community the jewel in the crown of democracy. Let the buck not stop with government; it will be captured. The buck now stops with us. The future now starts with us. The tender for orange jumpsuits is open for business.

Watch this space (with your mask on!) - @TannieEvita