(Invitation features a work by Selloane Moeti, Umfazi Wethu, 2019, Red clay and oil paint on canvas)
Art curator, Carol Brown who is the founder of the art consultancy Curate.A.Space and a former director of the Durban Art Gallery – welcomes art lovers with a new project:
“As we all know, the Visual Arts sector has really suffered from isolation but I am glad to say we are back on track. Things have changed for galleries and exhibitions but we, at Curate.A.Space, have faced the challenge and spent some time during lockdown in upskilling our Internet skills. One of the outcomes of this is that we are now showing an Instagram preview of the exhibition Folds and Faults, Brown explains.
“This exhibition had been planned for July 2020 in the Johannes Stegmann Gallery at the University of the Free State. This was obviously a no- go and we are happy to report that the gallery have committed to showing it in their space next year in July 2021 where they celebrate their annual Arts Festival with great events.
“And just as a bonus we are now offering an Instagram preview of the exhibition. Do follow it and see some exciting new works from African women artists working around the theme of women's lives,” she adds.
Those interested in more information about artists, prices, etc should contact Curate.A.Space at curateaspace.com