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Thursday, October 22, 2020


Series 1 of Work in Progress starts Friday, October 23, 2020, on M-Net (DStv Channel 101) at 22h30.

Moving in a completely new direction, director Lilly Watchowski (The Matrix) co-created a funny and profound show based on the life of improv comedienne, Abby McEnany. It takes a look at the power of relationships and the importance of support in times of crisis. It has an inclusive narrative that talks about queer rights and life outside of the gendered identities.

As a student at the renowned Second City, Abby had late-show host Stephen Colbert as a teacher. The effects of this experience is dry, witty and clever dialogue. As part of the sisters who famously transitioned after the success of The Matrix movies, Lilly Watchowski’s creative vision makes this a lovely journey in dramatic comedy.