(Trevor Donjeany; Mali Sewell; Dawn Selby & Barry Thomson)
Barry Thomson & The Reals will present their popular show Cold Fact – Rodriguez at the revival of the Rhumbelow Theatre circuit at Tina’s Hotel. The show runs from March 26 to 28, 2021.
Who would know that an unknown album from an unknown artist in 1970 (Rodriguez) would become a huge phenomenon in South Africa?
As big as say, Elvis Presley. Rodriguez himself was never aware of his huge success, as well as most other Americans. His music was lost in the US but, by a strange coincidence becomes a cult hit in South Africa and becomes a symbol of rebellion for the underground white, anti-apartheid sub-culture.
The show features all his well-remembered songs such as I Wonder, Establishment Blues and Sugar Man, amongst others.
All seating will be at separate tables and the venue will obviously be seating co-habiting couples and/or family members.
“Whilst we are not changing our 2020 pricing for shows, we would ask that if you are able to please assist us and the performers by donating a higher ticket price,” says Roland Stansell who runs the Rhumbelow circuit.
“Please note that for us to viably re-open The Rhumbelow Theatre at Tina’s Hotel we need to make some changes in regards how we run at Tina’s. We need to assist in generating a regular income for the hotel so that the theatre can continue to operate and for the hotel to also sustain itself,” he adds. “To assist in keeping the hotel afloat as well, we have agreed that a basic meal will be offered – this is optional.”
There are 5 meal options available at a cost of R100 each. Total ticket price for Tina’s – incl food - R260 each (Min Table Size 4)
The kitchen is open if you wish to arrive and order off the menu (bookings are essential) it is recommended that you arrive at least an hour and a half prior to the start of the show. For Tina’s Restaurant Bookings - 073 679 7957
Performances take place on March 26 and 27 at 19h30 and on March 28 at 14h00. Tickets for the show only R160 each (min Table Size 4)
Tickets are EFT ONLY
Secure Parking is available.
(NB: No alcohol or food may be brought on
to the premises)
To book email Roland. As the hotel is on a reduced kitchen staff compliment, all show meals need to be ordered when you make your booking. Bookings on 082 499 8636 or email: roland@stansell.co.za
Tina’s Hotel is situated at 14 Beryldene Road in Kloof.