Surviving Covid-19
During the 2020 Covid-19 lockdown, Twist took their work online in two projects, as a means of continuing what they do during this time when live theatre has been restricted.
Our Schools' Production Project went online, with five community theatre groups creating new scripts for performances in schools and filming these for distribution online. The groups found this process challenging, and many of them realised that they lacked the necessary skills in film production. Twist would welcome any volunteers to work with these groups in the future to improve these skills!
Twist also took their Novel-Script Project online, partnering with the National Arts Festival and working with six writers, seven actors and three directors across four countries. These artists from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Nigeria and Lesotho came together online for an intensive workshop under the guidance of mentor Kobus Moolman, to create exciting new works which were showcased as part of the 2020 virtual NAF.
Beyond these two successful projects, all other plans were halted because of the pandemic, and they look forward to a time where they can gather together again and enjoy the magic of live theatre.
New projects under way
Twist Projects has partnered with Savanna Trust in Zimbabwe on its ACTING AGAINST WILDLIFE CRIME pilot project. This project involves working with theatre groups who are based in or near protected wildlife areas, who will be creating performances that create discussion around wildlife crime and how communities can address this issue.
Twist’s work on the project to date has seen engagement with various wildlife protection groups, and with Ithembawuzyo Arts Productions in Binga and Shangano Arts in Hwange. These groups will soon start the process of creating their new productions, focused on addressing wildlife protection, poaching and deforestation.
The project is funded by USAID from the American People.
Twist will keep people updated with their news as the year unfolds, with hope that the live performing arts will survive through this strange period, where so many have lost their livelihoods and their loved ones.
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