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Saturday, July 31, 2021


(David and Tony Fisher)

The next Mondays at Six at St Clements will take place on August 2, 2021, at 18h00 and will feature Blarney and Son.

Pieter Scholtz and friends invite patrons to share an evening of music, merriment, wining and dining. Feeling everyone is in need of a tonic-pick-me-up they have shelved, for now, the previously planned programme. And instead, asked Blarney and Son - Tony Fisher and David Fisher – will infuse the audience with their creative talent, zest and energy.

Everyone who comes along will be eligible for a “lucky draw”, prize courtesy Val Coppin-Shaw.

Blarney and Son (click through to their Facebook page) are both old(er) — and new — on the scene.

Blarney Brothers legend Tony Fisher (most recently seen at St Clements with Mais Que Nada!) is “Blarney” in the duo.

“... and Son” is David Fisher, a musician in his own right who, when doing things solo, plays blues, jazz, flamenco, funk, folk and more. Most recently the duo played the Rhumbelow in Kloof.

As this is a pass-the-hat no-couvert event, when the donations box is passed around, please consider a contribution of a minimum of R50 per person.

Wear a mask. Covid protocols observed.

Outdoors (dress accordingly) and carefully spaced seating.

Table Bookings Essential: RSVP ST Clements 031 202 2511

Bookings limited to diners only in support of St Clements restaurant and staff. (They stay open especially for the evening). The new Covid-safe system means menus will be brought to tables. Orders entered separately as before.

For more information contact Wanda Hennig on 072 664 3170.