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Sunday, August 15, 2021


The following important press release comes from Jaco van Rensburg, Secretary General: TADA:

On Monday August 16 2021, the Theatre and Dance Alliance (TADA) will be launching a campaign to lobby government and the relevant structures to help us in opening our theatre spaces in a safe and responsible manner, without complying blindly with the lockdown "one-size-fits-all" strategy of capping all venues at the same capacity.

This campaign includes a Safety Manual that has been drafted by the OTSC committee and is supported and co-signed by the majority of our theatres and performance spaces, including state funded theatres.

Join TADA at 18h00 via Zoom for the launch of the campaign and the release of the safety manual.

Zoom link:

Time: Aug 16, 2021 06:00 PM Johannesburg

Meeting ID: 879 1099 2220


The current capacity limits are killing theatres and the artists and co-workers that depend on these spaces to make a living. Whilst restaurants, casinos and shopping malls can determine capacity based on their individual square footage, theatres have not been afforded the same right.

Many theatres have been closed since March 2020 and with that the livelihoods of many artists and co-workers have been obliterated. The "Open Theatres Safely Campaign" is also aimed at creating awareness with the general public and government and other official structures that the performing arts sector has been suffering greatly the last 18 months, and that this sector has been left to fend for itself entirely.